Aromatherapist, Teacher, Author


Born in 1931, Shirley began her career as a Cookery and Needlework teacher in 1950, later training in Beauty Therapy and Hairdressing, after which she and her husband Len, also a teacher, opened a health and beauty clinic in Hinckley in 1971, which they named The Birch Twig, as it had a sauna. As Len was a qualified Trichologist, he was a great help in what became a very successful business.

During 1976/7, Shirley attended three aromatherapy courses. These had all used ready-mixed oils, although she had felt each client should have essential oils selected for their particular needs. Also, she had been given a Certificate of Attendance on leaving each course but felt more was needed to ensure students would remember everything they had been taught (they had only their own notes), thus being able to do their best for clients. This led her to open her Aromatherapy school, where students were given copious notes to which they could refer at home, practising for 3-6 months before returning to take both theory and practical exams. If successful, they received a Diploma in Aromatherapy.

As the school grew, Len dedicated much of his time to researching data on essential oils and was invaluable as an examiner. Shirley’s courses were in such demand that she trained aromatherapists from several areas of Britain who had received high exam marks to teach in exactly the same way as she did herself. By 1998, she had 14 teachers in Britain and five abroad (Australia, Norway, Southern Ireland, Switzerland and the USA), all of whom had received three weeks of full-time teacher training on top of their aromatherapy qualification.

Len and Shirley’s teaching skills made them a good pair ‒ he on the technical side and she on the practical application. They have both lectured at conferences, aromatherapy schools and hospitals throughout Europe and in Switzerland, America, Japan and Australia. Their main aim in life was to source and sell only genuine, pure essential oils, give a thorough education in the understanding and use of essential oils and encourage unity among the associations, thus leading to common and high standards for the whole profession.

Shirley wrote her first book in 1983, Practical Aromatherapy ‒ a best seller in 21 languages. It was followed by seven others, Aromatherapy for Health Professionals, written in collaboration with Len. This was the first book packed with scientific references, significantly increasing over the subsequent four editions.

Shirley is an honorary member of IFPA and was presented with a Lifetime Achievement award by the AIA in recognition of her dedication to professionalism in aromatherapy.

Although Len and Shirley sold the business in 1998, they have never retired from their interest in aromatherapy. Shirley continues to write and has just finished a book on her life, starting after meeting Len. And - they still play table tennis every morning!