Medical Herbalist, Essential Oil Therapist
and Chinese Medicine Practitioner
Peter is an English-trained medical herbalist, essential oil therapist and Chinese medicine practitioner with over 35 years' experience of using botanical remedies and essential oils in clinical practice. His extensive training included studies with Oriental Medicine Doctor Ted Kaptchuk, medical herbalist and pharmacist Henri Verdier in Paris, France; medical herbalist Christopher Hedley in London, England; and Elisabeth Roche-Vallee in Paris, France.
Peter brings to his courses and seminars over 35 years of study, clinical practice and teaching experience. He has focused on both the physiological and psychological aspects of using essential oils. He has pioneered the use of essential oils both in herbal medicine and with acupuncture and bodywork in particular. He is co-founder of Aroma Acupoint TherapyTM.
Peter is author of five acclaimed textbooks on herbal and essential oil medicine: Aromatica a Clinical Guide to Essential Oil Therapeutics, Clinical Aromatherapy, The Energetics of Western Herbs, Jade Remedies and The TCM Materia Medica & Clinical Reference.