MS and Founder, Editor and Publisher of
The Aromatic Thymes: Explorations in Aromatherapy


Over thirty years ago, in 1993, I founded. edited and published THE AROMATIC THYMES: Explorations in Aromatherapy magazine. From the humblest of beginnings - a 3-page newsletter printed with a daisy wheel in my basement - it evolved into a professionally printed 4 color, glossy, 50+ page magazine with subscribers in 13 countries. THE AROMATIC THYMES developed a life of its own. It was the "people's" magazine.

Think back thirty years ago about the level of knowledge of Aromatherapy in the US. People were just discovering essential oils. The vast majority had never heard of Aromatherapy or, at worst, thought it was a "cult", at best, a scented candle or something you plugged into the wall.

There was no way for those who were truly interested in learning about essential oils to find each other. Where could they buy oils? How could they use them? Who could they study with? There was no vehicle that could bring everyone together, a place to share knowledge, advertise, find out about classes and seminars. THE AROMATIC THYMES helped to fill that void. It was my passion to create a place where people could come together, to create a forum for all of this to happen. Thus, besides the main articles, I had a section called, "Beginners Corner" and "Yellow Pages" with as much information possible to be a resource for those who needed it. We had product reviews and advertising. The ads alone were a tremendous resource for all. As a result, subscribers came from diverse backgrounds from truck drivers to highly respected scientists.

I was determined to carry articles representing the breadth and depth of aromatherapy, articles that added value to the whole, varying - even opposite points of view, and information from different countries, England, France, Germany, India etc. I sought to find and write about people doing amazing and interesting work that no one had ever heard of. I am thrilled to say that many have gone on to be those very giants we talk about. Many articles were by those who had never written before but now are book authors in their own right.

As a result, I had the very great privilege of working closely with some of the best minds, talents and creatives in the field. Each issue was a labor of love and a celebration of these individuals, and the gifts they shared with us through those pages. I am grateful to each and every one of them who have their own special place in my heart.

Through the magazine, I was introduced to a Russian scientist, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov and his work of energetic analysis of essential oils. Thus began my transition from The Aromatic Thymes to promoting his work in the US. I created one of the first United States manuals for the technology, wrote and edited material for him that appeared in magazines, journals, websites and books internationally.

The intervening years to the present, were spent in similar fashion, research, writing, producing educational material for various organizations and individuals I continue to use essential oils in every aspect of my life.

I am currently involved in distillations and have become the local expert of the Desert Awareness Committee in Cave Creek, AZ on all things jojoba, including pressing the oil, its uses, infusions and the uses of the plant ecologically etc.