Certified Clinical Aromatherapist,
Complementary Therapy Nurse, Consultant


Pam Conrad PGd, BSN, RN, CCAP specialties are Women’s Health and Mental Health Clinical Aromatherapy. As a Purdue nurse, she practiced in medical center hospitals as a Level 1 Trauma ER/OR, Cardiology, Psychiatric and Women’s Health nurse and completed her Clinical Aromatherapy for Health Care Professionals certification course in 2000.

She lived and studied advanced clinical aromatherapy and graduate complementary therapy studies with nurses, doctors and midwives in England and France for two years interning at Queen Mary’s Women’s Hospital London practicing Prenatal-Postpartum Aromatherapy with Denise Tiran RCM international midwifery expert on complementary therapies/clinical aromatherapy in Women’s Health.

In 2004, at University Westminster Graduate School of Integrated Health London she completed a PGd in Complementary Therapy Studies.

In 2007, she developed evidence-based curriculum in Women’s Health aromatherapy, which is the foundation for multiple hospital nursing and midwifery educational programs taught 15 nurses and developed the 1st in the US OB nursing aromatherapy hospital unit programs. It is still the only clinically evidence-based Women’s Health/Obstetrics Aromatherapy course in the US, Canada, Mexico and South America for nurses, doulas and midwives.

She continues to teach clinically evidence-based Women’s Health OB/Maternity aromatherapy internationally to hundreds of nurses and midwives live and online.

In the US, she has served as clinical aromatherapy educator and hospital consultant for multiple women’s health, oncology, pediatric and hospice programs. For five years she practiced as the CAM nurse consultant for a large hospital pharmacy developing compounded therapeutic aromatherapy blends, sourcing evidence based herbal supplements and developing educational programs and materials for herbal indications, contraindications and potential pharmaceutical/medical condition/herbal interactions.

She has served as adjunct faculty of Aromatic Complementary Therapies at Indiana Purdue University in Indianapolis. Her work has appeared in IJCA, Positive Health US/UK, AHNA Beginnings, Canadian Federation of Aromatherapy, and IFPA In Essence.

In 2012, she conducted aromatherapy research with statistically significant positive results on "Clinical Aromatherapy for High-Risk Postpartum Anxiety and Depression" and published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice.

Conrad P., Adams C., The effects of clinical aromatherapy for anxiety and depression in the high-risk postpartum woman-A pilot study Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice August 2012

In 2015 and 2017, advancing her women’s health aromatic and herbal programs to South America, she developed curriculum in Spanish for midwives in Chile. Since those classes, multiple midwives have started aromatherapy businesses and educational programs for women in Chile.

An international speaker, she has presented her aromatherapy work in Canada, Chile, Japan, Ireland, England and Mexico and throughout the US. She has also presented her clinical programs and postpartum aromatherapy research at AWHONN Oklahoma, Nebraska and Ohio’s annual conferences.

In 2019, by UK publisher’s request, she wrote a clinically evidence-based aromatherapy guidebook for nurses and midwives. "Women’s Health Aromatherapy- an evidence-based guide for nurses, midwives, doulas and therapists" London: Singing Dragon. The guidebook shares and explains current Women’s Health aromatherapy research and provides practical, concise tips with accompanying cited references for the practitioner. In 2021, the guidebook was translated to Spanish "Aromaterapia Femenina". In August 2023 "Aromatherapy and Women’s Mental Health-an evidence based guide for emotional health and wellbeing" was published.

Aromas for Healing (Pam's website)