Aromatherapy Educator


My father was in the UK Royal Air Force, so we moved around a bit; I was born in Oxfordshire and thereafter lived in Wales, North Yorkshire, Cyprus and Wiltshire. I left home when I was 18 to work in Welwyn Garden City for a major plastics company, carrying out research into high performance engineering thermoplastics, materials that would find their way into satellites, spacecraft and now into mobile phones. Along the way, I gathered a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Chemistry and a Master’s degree in Polymer Technology. I also continued my travels, working in the north of England, Scotland, back to England again before ending up in Wiltshire, which has been my home for the past twenty years.

In the mid-1990s, I somehow felt disconnected from the world in which I was making my living and was drawn to more natural materials which is when I fell in love with essential oils. I guess Julia Lawless was really to blame, The Encyclopaedia of Essential Oils was the hook. I picked it up almost in passing and my journey began.

I studied in West Yorkshire, at the Northern School of Aromatherapy with Stephanie Barraclough. Her school was accredited by the International Society of Professional Aromatherapists which is why, when I had qualified, I joined ISPA. At this time, a little bit of essential oil chemistry had appeared in the syllabus so, quite by chance, I seemed to be in the right place at the right time – Steph asked me if I could cover this part of the ISPA syllabus and I said yes. Word spread, I was approached by other ISPA accredited schools and so began my role as a teacher. In order to underpin my teaching, I went to Huddersfield University and gained a Postgraduate Certificate in Education for the further education sector.

I had the opportunity to work with some of the leading educators of the time, people like Shirley and Len Price who encouraged me to expand my teaching beyond just providing a basic look at essential oils – they offered me my first non-practitioner job, as a technical consultant. Maureen and Geoff Farrell were also key to my development as a teacher, as they asked me to work with them on the development and teaching of an aromatherapy diploma at Liverpool John Moores University. It was Maureen who encouraged me to join the ISPA executive which led to me becoming Chair of the organisation and ultimately, working with others, to create the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists – but that’s a story for another time!

Aromatherapy has taken me to countries such as Iceland, Japan and South Korea. Along the way I have had the opportunity to work with many special people. Although it may be considered invidious to single out individuals, there are two names I want to mention – Jan Kusmirek and Gabriel Mojay. Sadly, Jan passed away in 2023 but will be remembered with affection by many. Gabriel is very much alive and kicking! A dear friend, who singled me out to work with for which I will always be grateful. We have shared a great deal – teaching, conferences, setting up IFPA. All wonderful memories and part of my life as an aromatherapist.

You can reach Ian at: iancs846@gmail.com