Daniel Pénoël MD has been working in the field of aromatherapy since 1977. He is a passionate advocate of Earth and ecology.
Dr Pénoël has an international reputation as an essential oil researcher, aromatic medicine practitioner, educator and author who has dedicated his four-decade career to the therapeutic use of essential oils.
Dr Pénoël has co-authored "L’aromathérapie exactement" and "Natural Home Health Care Using Essential Oils". He is an acclaimed keynote speaker across Europe, Asia, Australia, U.S.A and South America. His concepts have been featured in major French magazines and TV programs. His intensive aromatic medical work with his patients over 40 years and his research into the time-space concepts in Physics and New Physics has led him to find the “Aromatherapy’s missing link”. He has developed this new model of living in close contact with Nature in South France and has fueled his experiments with in-depth thinking. All of the above led Dr Pénoël to develop Quantum Aromatherapy®.
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