BSN, RN, CCAP,  CEO, R.J. Buckle Associates, LLC,
 CCAP/‘M’ Technique®


Carol Scheidel, BSN (Bachelor of Science, Nursing), RN (Registered Nurse), CCAP (Certified Clinical Aromatherapy Practitioner) is the owner and CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of R.J. Buckle Associates, LLC. R.J. Buckle Associates is an education institute and consultancy organization. Courses include clinical aromatherapy for healthcare professionals and ‘M’ Technique® (a gentle touch technique).

When Jane Buckle, PhD, RN retired in 2016, she entrusted the continued legacy of her business, R.J. Buckle Associates to Carol. Carol’s aromatherapy career started in 2002 when she attended a conference lecture by Dr. Jane Buckle. Having experienced Dr. Buckle’s enthusiasm, she was hooked into the world of aromatherapy. In 2005 she became a certified clinical aromatherapy practitioner (CCAP), ‘M’ Technique® practitioner, and an instructor for Dr. Buckle’s programs. Carol introduced and led the aromatherapy program at a large Texas hospital for 11 years.

As CEO of R.J. Buckle, Carol consults with many healthcare facilities throughout the United States assisting with development of their aromatherapy program. Carol teaches aromatherapy to healthcare professionals in the classroom and online settings. In addition to being an educator, she is a life-long learner and enjoys continuing to take classes from other aromatherapy professionals. She also enjoys attending conferences to keep up to date with the Aromatic Community.

The ‘M’ Technique®, developed by Dr. Buckle, is taught world-wide by R.J. Buckle instructors in Great Britain, Japan, Hong Kong, South Africa, and United States. The ‘M’ Technique® was developed to put care back into healthcare. Not only can it be integrated into any wellness practice, but it can also be learned by any individual wanting to provide gentle caring touch (i.e. family, adjunct practitioners, etc.).

Carol’s nursing career includes hospital-based aromatherapist, staff nurse, educator, nursing manger, critical care, emergency, skilled nursing, rehabilitation, and nurse ethicist. Carol is a member of AIA (Alliance of International Aromatherapists), IFPA UK (International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists), ICAN (International Clinical Aromatherapy Network), NAHA (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy), and AHNA (American Holistic Nurses Association).

Carol has served in several director positions for AIA, including on the executive Board of AIA. Carol lives in Fort Worth, Texas, USA. She has been married to the love of her life, Tom, for many adventuresome years. They have 5 children with awesome bonus daughters & a son in-law, 4 grandchildren, 4 grand-dogs & 1 grand-kitty.